Once the kids have their new school clothes, freshly cut hair, all their supplies and head off for a new year at school, it is time for back-to-school selfcare for parents. Let’s face it – summer break is not a break for moms and dads. June through August can be a whirlwind of activities and many parents are exhausted by the time September arrives. Give yourself a needed break and rejuvenate with some of these self care tips.

Overhaul Your Diet

Summer vacations and eating with the kids can take its toll on your diet. If meals on the go or unhealthy snacks have made their way into your daily life, it is time to overhaul your diet. You have a busy school year ahead, with plenty of cold and flu viruses just waiting to piggyback to your home on your child’s backpack. Get back to eating a healthy diet to boost your immune system and maintain your overall health.

Get Organized

With the kids in school, take some time to reorganize your life and get back on a schedule. Organization makes life easier when you have an entire family schedule to work around. Use your smartphone or tablet to input all your activities for the kids and make sure to schedule time for yourself. When you have an organized schedule, it can help reduce stress and save you time, improving your life on a daily basis.

Make Time for Self-Improvement

Summer break can leave little time for any self-improvement for parents. Now is the time to do something just for you. Have you been wanting to explore laser hair removal for smooth legs year-round? Maybe those first few wrinkles on your brow or around your eyes have you considering Botox? You deserve to dedicate some time to self-improvement after a busy summer. You can find many options for rejuvenation at Arcadia Wellness Center, including:

You deserve a chance to take care of yourself after a summer of family time. Schedule a consultation at our clinic in Phoenix for selfcare cosmetic options to look your best this fall.