Hormone Therapy for Men

Testosterone hormone therapy for men
Do you feel tired, irritable, depressed and feel like you’ve lost your sexual desire? It could be low testosterone. As we age, vital hormones decrease which increases the chance of illness as well as disease. Stress, chronic pain, not sleeping well, and environmental factors also can contribute to declining testosterone levels in men. As testosterone levels decline, your risk of death increases dramatically – in addition to causing other significant problems including:
- Fatigue
- Erectile dysfunction
- Muscle loss/difficulty adding muscle
- Thinning or balding hair
- Low libido
- Weight Gain
- Depression
- Anxiety
Arcadia Wellness Center is the valley’s premier clinic for men with testosterone imbalances. Sarah Quinn, FNP has years of experience treating men with low testosterone. Many of Sarah’s patients return to their ‘old selves’ after receiving hormone therapy and wonder why they waited so long to get help in the first place. Sarah understands the nuances of low testosterone and how it can negatively affect men. During your consultation:
- The provider will sit down with you and review your symptoms to see if you’re a candidate for treatment.
- You will be sent to a lab to get a blood test performed.
- The provider will personally call you to discuss the findings and results of your blood test.
- You will be scheduled to discuss your options and will be prescribed any necessary medication needed to help correct low levels
- You only need to come in every few months during your treatment – Not weekly or monthly like other clinics.
- Many patients will experience nearly immediate results including increased libido and erectile function, increased sexual performance, loss of body fat, increase in lean muscle and increased energy and mood.
A: The most common cause of lowered testosterone levels is aging. However, there are many underlying illnesses that can also cause a decreased amount of testosterone production.
- Inflammatory diseases
- Injury that interrupts blood supply to the testes
- Chemotherapy
- Metabolic disorders
- High levels of stress
There are also a number of other health-related factors that could inhibit the production of testosterone such as lack of exercise and poor diet.
The best way to keep testosterone levels at the level that is most beneficial for health is to live a healthy lifestyle with plenty of exercise, water, and nutritional food.
A: Testosterone boosters can come in a variety of forms such as vitamin pills, shakes, drinks, and supplements.
Although many people believe that they work wonders and do great things, there is very little scientific evidence that shows testosterone boosters to be effective. However, in theory, some of the compounds that boosters offer can help to raise natural levels of testosterone if used correctly.
Natural ways to increase testosterone are activities such as lifting weights and exercising on a regular basis, eating high-quality nutritious foods, sleeping well and avoiding stress.
A: Testosterone replacement therapy is a treatment for men that suffer from hypogonadism. As men age, their testosterone levels begin to dwindle which can cause problems such as depression, erectile dysfunction, and loss of energy.
Testosterone replacement therapy, also known as androgen replacement therapy, is when a health professional replaces or adds to the testosterone that is available in a person’s body. Testosterone can be added by way of injections, pills, patches, gels, and even pellets that are implanted under the skin.
The end result of testosterone replacement therapy is to replace the level of testosterone that was lost and regain optimum health.
A: There are many complications that men can endure as the result of lowering testosterone levels. Some of the less severe are lowered energy levels and a low sex drive. Some of the more serious symptoms are loss of muscular strength and difficulty with concentration and memory.
Some of the most common symptoms are:
- Fatigue
- Increased body fat
- Decreased muscle mass
- Erectile dysfunction
- Hair loss
In some cases, more serious problems can evolve such as heart disease and metabolic syndrome.
A: Testosterone is a steroid hormone that both men and women produce naturally. Although women produce much less of it than men, it plays an important role in the balance of hormonal wellness.
Testosterone is responsible for the masculine aspect of men, and women. It produces facial hair, affects bone mass, muscle mass, the way fat is stored and can affect the mood.
Too little of it can make a person lethargic and suffer a decreased sense of well-being.