Before and After: Liquid Facelift

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The start of a new year is always a reminder that time continues to move on. If there are also reminders of the passage of time when you look in the mirror, there are options to slow the aging process. At Arcadia Wellness Center, we have created stunning before and after results for our clients that want to look years younger without surgery. Our liquid facelift can help you look more like your younger self without the downtime or recovery required from plastic surgery.

What is a Liquid Facelift?

As the skin ages, it comes less firm and thinner. Wrinkles and lines appear; the skin sags and loses volume. A liquid facelift addresses the loss collagen and elastin in the skin using non-invasive “liquid” treatments. A combination of skin treatments and injections can be used to restore firmer, smoother skin and improve facial features.

Everyone ages differently, so our liquid facelifts are customized for each client. There are several treatments that can be used to smooth away lines and wrinkles, as well as add volume and lifting for the skin. We evaluate the aging issues with each client and make recommendations on which treatments would best achieve the results they desire. Some of the treatments that may be used in our liquid facelifts include:

  • Botox or other neuromodulator injections
  • Facial filler injections
  • Microneedling and/or PRP treatments
  • Kybella injections
  • Laser or RF skin treatments

Many of these treatments can be performed during one visit and some have almost immediate results. A liquid facelift can help improve skin tone and texture and address specific concerns like frown or smile lines. This is the perfect procedure for those who do not want to have plastic surgery or just want to slow the aging process. You can enhance your liquid facelift with other treatments to improve fullness to the lips or thicken eyelashes to give you the youthful, attractive appearance you desire.

Liquid Facelifts in Phoenix

Look your best for 2019 with a rejuvenating liquid facelift at Arcadia Wellness Center. Contact our office to schedule your consultation  – we will be happy to discuss the best treatment options to help you look several years younger with a liquid facelift.