Telemedicine to Promote Social Distancing

April telemedicine

One term that will be remembered from this challenging time of COVID-19 will be social distancing. The “Stay home, stay healthy, stay connected” executive order in Arizona and similar regulations across the country are designed to stop the spread of the disease and protect the healthcare system from becoming overwhelmed. However, to stay healthy, many people still need medical care to treat other conditions not unrelated to the coronavirus. At Arcadia Wellness Center, we are offering telemedicine services to help our patients get the wellness care they need, even those who are self-isolating or in quarantine.

Our Telemedicine Services

Staying at home and away from others are important during this time, but so is protecting your personal health. We are offering telemedicine services for the essential wellness and health of our patients, protecting both our patients and our staff from unnecessary contact. While we still offer testing and treatment at our facility, we can perform consultations and checkups over the phone to limit in-person visits. Some of the services we offer through telemedicine include:

  • Hormone replacement therapy
  • Weight loss consultations
  • General medical issues like sinusitis, allergy treatment, UTIs and other essential health issues
  • Mental health consultations for depression, anxiety and overall mental wellness

Our staff understands that this is a stressful and uncertain time for all of us. We’re taking every measure possible to protect our patients from any unnecessary exposure to the coronavirus and other contagious diseases. Protecting your health and immune system while social distancing are some of the best ways to combat the spread of this deadly disease. Our team is here to help you maintain your overall wellness with medical care, wellness therapies and telemedicine options through this difficult time.

To learn more about telemedicine and any of our essential medical and health services at Arcadia Wellness Center, call our clinic in Phoenix. We are here to help you maintain your wellness through this period and look forward to seeing more of you in person once this challenging time has passed. Thank you for your continued business and support!